
Hi:) my name is Nataiya Johnson and I am so excited to share this with you. The arts and sciences has always been a passion of mine and I wanted to find a way to combine what felt like two separate worlds. In 2022, I experienced a tremendous amount of change and I found comfort and security in creation. When I was at my lowest point, losing control of where life was leading me, creation was my constant. It’s funny to think that while I made my favorite paintings, I was also surviving what felt like my lowest point ever. When I finally overcame that, I was left with all these beautiful pieces that I felt so connected to. I was proud to have made such cool things out of an experience that hurt so much. As I’ve learnt and grown, so has my wardrobe. Drawn to vibrant colors and mix-matching patterns; i began to think about how cool my art would look on clothes and you probably see where this is going. Long Story short: I designed this collection with intention. This is dedicated to everyone who also values the power of creation. Keep creating!<3